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Boudoir /Self Love Sessions

Boudoir/Self Love Sessions are designed to help you see yourself in a new light.  A session designed to help you accept and love your body.  Today in society we are all comparing ourselves to unrealistic magazine models and we can't help but feel not good enough.  We all have things about ourselves we'd like to change or we don't like, but what I want for you is to see only the beauty that you are.  To instead of focusing on the things you don't like, decide to love and accept all of yourself.  It makes a great gift for your partner, but overall it is for you and help you on your path to fully loving and accepting yourself.  That's my goal and dream to have you see yourself as I see you through my lens.  I hope you build the courage and take this journey with me.  I know you won't be disappointed.  It's a fun, casual session where you realax within two clicks of the camera.  And coming from someone who's lived with body issues my whole life, i can put you at ease in a judgement free environment.  I have women who truly now see themselves differently because of these sessions.  I look forward to your session!  Book yours now ! 

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